12 research outputs found

    General problems related to innovation and its potential in the Hungarian agro-food sector

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    This paper stresses that innovation in Hungary leaves something to be desired, and a perpetual lack of innovation also applies to the agro-food sector which, of course, consequently weakens the nation’s general competitiveness. The 2007-2013 period and the subsequent resources provided by the EU present new challenges. It is not overstating the case to say that if Hungary is not able to capitalize on this period, then it will face competitive disadvantages capable of placing Hungarian agriculture in a critical situation. To avoid this, the conditions for innovation and innovation performance must be improved. The system of innovation in the Hungarian agro-food sector does not lend itself to the application of the model constructed on R+D. Therefore, it appears practical to follow the adaptive innovation model, which would be particularly useful for SMEs.innovation, agro-food sector’s innovation, agricultural innovation, innovation models, adaptive innovation, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Labor and Human Capital, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    Based on analysis of a time series of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) indicator and Relative Trade Advantage Index the performance of Hungarian agriculture and food industry has declined rapidly during the last fifteen years. This fact highlights the importance of searching new paradigms in development. In short term the increasing of production–quantity does not seem to be a rational way. The only alternative is the product–differentiation strategy. Under conditions of increasing competition in foreign markets the importance of domestic markets gains in importance. The domestic market is a dynamic one, too: the producers should be better focussed of new demands of specific consumer segments (e.g. elder generations, ethnic minorities etc…). On the long term the future of Hungarian agri-food chain is considerably determined by external factors: in case of increasing energy prices and global warming the importance of production capacities will be increasing rapidly.competitiveness, future research, marketing, system analysis, strategic planning, Agribusiness, Farm Management,

    Industry 4.0 as a Key Enabler toward Successful Implementation of Total Quality Management Practices

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    Industry 4.0 refers to the new technological development occurred at the industrial production systems. It evolved as a result of integrating Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Big-Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing in the industrial systems. This integration aided new capabilities to achieve a higher level of business excellence, efficiency, and effectiveness. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a managerial approach to achieve an outstanding business excellence. There are several approaches to apply TQM principles at any organization. Industry 4.0 could be utilized as a key enabler for TQM especially by integrating its techniques with the TQM best practices. This paper suggests a theoretical framework for integrating Industry 4.0 features with the TQM principles (according to ISO 9000:2015 standards family) in order to open the door for further research to address the real impact of utilizing Industry 4.0 for serving the TQM implementation approaches

    Kiútkeresés az agrárinnovációban

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    Hazánk innovációs teljesítménye hosszabb idő óta nem éri el a megkívánt szintet. Vonatkozik ez az agrárinnovációra is, ahol a fejlesztés elképzelhetetlen az innováció lendületbe hozása nélkül. Ehhez úgy makro-, mint mikroszinten megvannak a teendők. A dol-gozat ezek közül érint néhányat, kiemelve, hogy az agrárinnováció magyarországi rendszeré-nek jelen állapota nem teszi lehetővé a hagyományos K+F-re épülő innovációs modell tevékenységeinek követését. Az is probléma, hogy már régen elemeire hullott szét az ágazati innovációs rendszer szereplői közötti együttműködés, és a rendszerváltás óta az ágazaton belüli érdekviszonyok is átrendeződtek. Ebben a helyzetben kevés az esély az originális (ere-deti) innovációs megoldásokra, célszerűbbnek látszik az adaptív innovációs modell követése, amely különösen a kis- és középvállalkozások számára lenne hasznos. Az ehhez szükséges szakmai és financiális háttér egyes elemei ma is megvannak, a hiányzók kialakíthatók, s a rendszerbe szervezés sem jelenthet megoldhatatlan feladatot. Szükség lehet a technológiatran-szfert, illetve az ágazati technológiafejlesztést elősegítő szervezet(ek) kialakítására, hatékony-abb működtetésére. A dolgozatban közölt adaptív agrárinnovációs modell nem csodaszer, de alkalmas arra, hogy vezérfonalul szolgáljon részint a „külső ráhatás”-ban érintett, részint pedig a „vál-lalkozói hajlam”-ot befolyásolni képes szervezetek, személyek számára, amikor a hazai agrárinnováció kitörési pontjait keressük. ---------------------------------------------The Hungarian results in the field of innovation have been at a low level for a long time. This is the case with agricultural innovation as well, where the desired level of development needs progressive innovation. For this, there are tasks to be carried out at both macro- and mi-cro level. This paper deals with some of these tasks. In the Hungarian situation it is impossible to follow the classical innovation models which are based on R+D. The cooperation between the partners of innovation systems has disappeared. The interests of the agricultural actors have dramatically changed during the last twenty years. In this situation there is no chance for “original” innovation solutions; it is more practical to follow the steps of the adaptive innova-tion model. This could be more useful especially for small and medium-size enterprises. Some of the elements of the professional and financial background are already available and those which are missing could be developed. It is necessary to integrate these elements into a well-defined system. It may be necessary to form one (or more) organisation(s) dealing with technological transfer and/or agricultural technological development. The published adaptive agricultural innovation model is not a panacea but it could be a useful tool to help persons and organisations which are interested, as actors, in the external support, entrepreneur’s inclination and adaptive process to achieve a better innovative per-formance in Hungarian agriculture

    General problems related to innovation and its potential in the Hungarian agro-food sector

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    This paper stresses that innovation in Hungary leaves something to be desired, and a perpetual lack of innovation also applies to the agro-food sector which, of course, consequently weakens the nation’s general competitiveness. The 2007-2013 period and the subsequent resources provided by the EU present new challenges. It is not overstating the case to say that if Hungary is not able to capitalize on this period, then it will face competitive disadvantages capable of placing Hungarian agriculture in a critical situation. To avoid this, the conditions for innovation and innovation performance must be improved. The system of innovation in the Hungarian agro-food sector does not lend itself to the application of the model constructed on R+D. Therefore, it appears practical to follow the adaptive innovation model, which would be particularly useful for SMEs


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    Az előadás legfőbb célja: a hazai agrárinnovációs teendők rendszerbe foglalása a jelenlegi lehetőségek és feltételek bázisán, kiemelten a kis- és közép- vállalkozásokra (kkv-ra). Az előadás keretében három modell kerül bemutatásra: - Az agrárinnováció általános modellje világosan megmutatja a részfolyamatokat és a közöttük lévő kapcsolódásokat. A részfeladatokat két integráló ernyő fogja rendszerbe, ezek: a marketing és a tudás. - A mezőgazdasági műszaki fejlesztés modellje, amely sajátos híd-szerepet tölt be a termelés és a megelőző innovációs fázisok között, különböző tényezők egyidejű integrálása révén. - Az adaptív innováció modellje, amelyből kiderülnek a kis- és középvállalkozások fejlesztésének sajátos lehetőségei és feladatai


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    The main objective of this presentation is to systemise the present innovation tasks of the Hungarian agriculture, especially focusing on the SMS’s. I prepared and use some models to determine the development tasks. Let me introduce three models out of them. • The general model of agricultural innovation demonstrates clearly the connecting and depending works to do. It shows that the innovation part-works can be systematised into two integrating umbrellas. These are marketing and knowledge. • The model about the substance of technical development shows that technical development serving agricultural production has got a particular bridging role between the production and the previous innovation phases by integrating several factors at the same time. • The model of adaptive innovation shows the special possibilities and tasks for developing of the small and medium size enterprises (SMS’s).kkv szektor, innovációs lehetőség, adaptáció, small and medium size enterprises, possibility for innovation, adaptation, Agribusiness, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    Based on analysis of a time series of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) indicator and Relative Trade Advantage Index the performance of Hungarian agriculture and food industry has declined rapidly during the last fifteen years. This fact highlights the importance of searching new paradigms in development. In short term the increasing of production–quantity does not seem to be a rational way. The only alternative is the product–differentiation strategy. Under conditions of increasing competition in foreign markets the importance of domestic markets gains in importance. The domestic market is a dynamic one, too: the producers should be better focussed of new demands of specific consumer segments (e.g. elder generations, ethnic minorities etc…). On the long term the future of Hungarian agri-food chain is considerably determined by external factors: in case of increasing energy prices and global warming the importance of production capacities will be increasing rapidly

    Different effects of amiodarone and dofetilide on the dispersion of repolarization between well-coupled ventricular and Purkinje fibers

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    Increased transmural dispersion of repolarization is an established contributing factor to ventricular tachyarrhythmias. In this study, we evaluated the effect of chronic amiodarone treatment and acute administration of dofetilide in canine cardiac preparations containing electrotonically coupled Purkinje fibers (PFs) and ventricular muscle (VM) and compared the effects to those in uncoupled PF and VM preparations using the conventional microelectrode technique. Dispersion between PFs and VM was inferred from the difference in the respective action potential durations (APDs). In coupled preparations, amiodarone decreased the difference in APDs between PFs and VM, thus decreasing dispersion. In the same preparations, dofetilide increased the dispersion by causing a more pronounced prolongation in PFs. This prolongation was even more emphasized in uncoupled PF preparations, while the effect in VM was the same. In uncoupled preparations, amiodarone elicited no change on the difference in APDs. In conclusion, amiodarone decreased the dispersion between PFs and VM, while dofetilide increased it. The measured difference in APD between cardiac regions may be the affected by electrotonic coupling; thus, studying PFs and VM separately may lead to an over- or underestimation of dispersion.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author